Geisinger’s DME automation pays off with huge dividends.

In this article, Geisinger Health Plan, a health system and health plan serving more than 600,000 members in Pennsylvania, has implemented durable medical equipment (DME) ordering automation to improve its home-based care program. The health plan was facing challenges in managing its DME network, resulting in a fragmented and inconsistent provider referral experience for members. To solve this problem, Geisinger partnered with Tomorrow Health to streamline the DME ordering process and improve the overall member experience. Tomorrow Health’s technology platform integrates into the referring provider’s workflow, automating the ordering process and reducing administrative time and operating costs. Geisinger has seen significant improvements in its home-based care program, including a fourfold return on investment and an overall turnaround time reduction of 83%. The platform has also increased member satisfaction and improved the quality of care provided by suppliers. Geisinger’s success with home-based care automation indicates the potential benefits for other health systems and payers looking to offer patients care in their homes. The article highlights the importance of optimizing the way home-based care is delivered to improve patient satisfaction, health outcomes, and overall cost of care.