Election deniers demand AI cameras for live ballot box streams.


True the Vote, an election conspiracy group, plans to livestream footage from ballot drop boxes with AI-driven cameras to prevent voter fraud, but local officials are concerned about potential voter intimidation. The group claims drop boxes were used for fraud in the 2020 election, despite no evidence, and wants to monitor them in Wisconsin and other swing states.


An election conspiracy group known as True the Vote is aiming to create a “dropbox surveillance reality show” by installing AI-driven cameras in ballot drop boxes in Wisconsin and other states to stream footage online. The group, led by Catherine Engelbrecht, has been pushing election conspiracies and technology to challenge voter rolls and monitor polling locations.

Engelbrecht and her cofounder Gregg Phillips behind the debunked conspiracy film 2000 Mules, claimed that drop boxes were used for fraud in the 2020 election but admitted to having no evidence to support their claims. True the Vote’s plan to monitor drop boxes with cameras has raised concerns among local officials about potential voter intimidation and privacy issues.

In Wisconsin, a key swing state, there were over 500 drop boxes set up in 2020, and True the Vote’s initiative has sparked discussions about the legality and implications of 24/7 monitoring of these locations. While the group claims to be working with sheriffs and using AI-driven technology for surveillance, many sheriffs have denied any involvement in the program.

Local election officials have pointed out that drop boxes are supervised by municipal clerks, not county sheriffs, in Wisconsin, which raises questions about the jurisdiction of any monitoring program. True the Vote’s efforts to recruit sheriffs and implement their surveillance project may face legal challenges if it interferes with the voting process or leads to voter intimidation.

Despite the group’s claims and initiatives, there is a lack of concrete evidence to support their allegations of widespread voter fraud through drop boxes. The potential consequences of monitoring drop boxes with cameras could result in legal issues and privacy concerns, as well as conflicts with local election procedures and practices.