Create ‘AI playfulness’ teams to help workers embrace AI changes.


  • AI playfulness teams can help workers embrace AI and change in the workplace.
  • Structured and playful engagement with AI tools can make employees see the benefits.

Artificial intelligence (AI), especially generative AI, has the potential to enhance office productivity. However, many workers fear the use of AI tools like ChatGPT as a threat to their jobs. Suzy Levy, managing director of human resources consultancy The Red Plate, suggests building “AI playfulness” teams in every function of an organization. These teams can help employees engage with AI tools in a more structured and playful manner, making them see the personal benefits and potential improvements to their work tasks.

Levy emphasizes the importance of an engagement journey to encourage employees to interact with AI tools and consider how they can make their jobs better. Ranil Boteju, chief data and analytics officer at Lloyds Banking Group, highlights the benefits of AI in completing low-risk, repetitive tasks more efficiently. Despite the productivity gains, there are concerns about potential criminal uses of AI technology, which organizations need to consider in their planning and preparation efforts.

The panel discussion at Fortune Brainstorm AI London sponsored by Accenture focused on integrating new technologies like AI with human workforces. By creating a culture of AI playfulness and ensuring that AI tools are used for productive purposes, organizations can help employees overcome their fears of AI and embrace the possibilities for positive change in the workplace.