Congress, heed these AI red flags in 2024!

Three urgent AI red flags for Congress to address in 2024

  • AI has the potential for both positive and negative impacts.
  • The United States needs comprehensive regulation and oversight of AI to manage the risks and maximize the benefits.

AI systems have the potential to improve various aspects of society, such as healthcare and diagnostics, but they also pose risks if used unaccountably. AI algorithms used in hiring can discriminate against certain groups, while AI-generated misinformation can harm markets and elections. The environmental impact of AI, particularly its carbon footprint, also needs to be addressed.

Congress should prioritize the following areas:

  1. Disclosure: Mandate disclosure about the use of AI, starting with federal government entities. This includes notifying individuals when an algorithm is influencing opportunities related to hiring, education, housing, credit, lending, and healthcare. Transparency allows for collective risk monitoring and builds public trust. AI vendors should also explain their systems’ goals and document their efficacy to ensure fairness and prevent biased assessments.
  2. Environmental Impact: Conduct a comprehensive inquiry into the environmental impact of AI. The emissions from AI computing power currently exceed those from the airline industry, but there is a lack of data to measure and regulate it effectively. Congress should gather data and financially disincentivize unnecessary or unproductive use of AI by incorporating environmental information into the taxation system.
  3. Research and Education: Increase federal investment in responsible AI research, education, and training. Funding should support interdisciplinary research to evaluate bias in AI systems, develop fairness techniques, and establish best practices through objective scientific review. Congress should also support AI literacy programs to educate the public and encourage informed civic engagement. Commercial entities that profit from AI should contribute a substantial portion of their profits to responsible AI research and education. In addition, an AI tax could be imposed to fund these efforts.

By enacting responsible legislation and regulation, Congress can ensure that AI is used in a way that benefits society without compromising ethical principles. However, without such regulations, the impact of AI systems could have catastrophic consequences. Innovative leadership and comprehensive action are needed to navigate the complex landscape of AI in the years to come.