Concerned about robots? Don’t fret until they perfect human hands.


  • AI struggles to accurately draw human hands due to their complexity.
  • AI has now become better at drawing hands with the correct number of fingers.

In the article “I’ll Worry About AI Taking Over When It Can Get Human Hands Right,” the author discusses the difficulty AI faces in accurately drawing human hands. The complexity of the bones, muscles, and tendons in each hand makes them challenging to depict, even for humans. However, AI is starting to improve in this aspect, with some images showing accurate depictions of hands with the correct number of fingers.

AI experts attribute this improvement to a better understanding of human anatomy and connections between body parts. As AI continues to advance in its ability to draw hands accurately, the author raises concerns about the potential implications of AI becoming sentient and taking over the world.

The author also mentions the need for humans to develop detective skills to differentiate between AI-generated and human bodies. With AI getting better at drawing hands, identifying AI may become more challenging in the future. The article concludes by highlighting the ongoing evolution of AI and the potential challenges it may pose in the future.