CAA helps stars control their own AI likenesses in Hollywood.

Article Summary


  • TechCrunch is part of the Yahoo family of brands.
  • Cookies are used on their sites and apps for various purposes.

In this article, TechCrunch, a part of the Yahoo family of brands, discusses the use of cookies on their sites and apps, including Yahoo and AOL. Cookies are used to provide sites and apps to users, authenticate users, apply security measures, prevent spam and abuse, and measure user interaction. By clicking ‘Accept all’, users and partners, including those in the IAB Transparency & Consent Framework, can store and access information on devices for personalized advertising, content measurement, and audience research.

If users do not want cookies and personal data used for these purposes, they can click ‘Reject all’ or ‘Manage privacy settings’ to customize their choices. The privacy settings can be changed at any time through the ‘Privacy & cookie settings’ or ‘Privacy dashboard’ links on the sites and apps. More information is available in the privacy policy and cookie policy.

It is important for users to be aware of how their personal data is being used and to make informed choices about the use of cookies on websites and apps. By understanding and managing privacy settings, users can control their online experience and protect their personal information.