Bill pitches AI policy for Wisconsin State Agencies.


A proposed bill in Wisconsin aims to regulate the use of artificial intelligence (AI) by state agencies. The bill, co-authored by local Republican lawmakers, suggests that embracing AI is necessary for modernizing the state’s operations. Under the bill, agencies would be required to report every two years on positions that can be made more efficient with AI, and the Legislative Audit Bureau would assess the efficiency and effectiveness of these tools. Democrats, while acknowledging the benefits of AI, have concerns about potential job losses and biases. They are working on a bill that would require disclaimers when interacting with AI systems.

Key Points:

  • Wisconsin lawmakers have proposed a bill to regulate the use of AI by state agencies
  • The bill is co-authored by local Republican lawmakers who believe AI is necessary for modernizing the state’s operations
  • Under the bill, agencies would have to report every two years on positions that can be made more efficient with AI
  • The Legislative Audit Bureau would assess the efficiency and effectiveness of AI tools used by agencies
  • Democrats acknowledge the benefits of AI but have concerns about job loss and biases
  • Democrats are working on a bill that would require disclaimers when interacting with AI systems

Some lawmakers in Wisconsin are proposing a bill that would regulate the use of artificial intelligence (AI) by state agencies. The bill, co-authored by local Republican lawmakers, aims to embrace AI and utilize its potential for modernizing the state’s operations. The lawmakers argue that AI is not just an option but a necessity for improving productivity. While Democrats agree that AI has its benefits, they express concerns about potential job losses and biases associated with the use of AI. They believe that more research and understanding of AI is needed before implementing such measures.

According to the proposed bill, starting from 2026, state agencies would be required to report once every two years on positions that can be made more efficient with the help of AI. The report should include details of progress made and the Legislative Audit Bureau would assess the efficiency, privacy policies, and effectiveness of AI tools used by each agency. The goal is to ensure that the implementation of AI is effective and does not compromise privacy or perpetuate biases.

Representative Nate Gustafson, a Republican co-author of the bill, emphasizes the positive aspects of AI, stating that it will bring efficiencies to people’s lives that were previously unimaginable. However, Representative Lori Palmeri, a Democrat, expresses reservations about the bill, suggesting that it could potentially eliminate jobs and risk job retention. She suggests that amendments need to be made to the bill to make it more acceptable.

While the proposed bill is set to be discussed in a committee hearing, Democrats are also working on their own bill regarding the use of AI. This bill would require disclaimers to be provided when interacting with AI systems, informing individuals whether they are communicating with a real person or a bot. This measure aims to ensure transparency and prevent potential misuse or manipulation.

Overall, the proposed bill in Wisconsin highlights the ongoing debate around the use of AI and its regulation. The lawmakers involved acknowledge the potential benefits of AI for improving productivity and modernizing operations, but concerns about job losses and biases remain. Striking the right balance between harnessing the advantages of AI while addressing these concerns will likely be key in shaping the future use of AI by state agencies in Wisconsin and beyond.