Big problem: China runs out of data storage space fast.


  • China’s data generation surpasses its storage and processing capabilities, leading to wasted data resources.
  • Less than 3% of data generated in China last year was stored and processed, with a survey revealing low utilization of data.

Key Elements of the Article:

China is facing a data storage crisis as the country’s data generation far exceeds its storage and processing capabilities. A recent survey revealed that less than 3% of data generated in China last year was actually stored and processed, highlighting a significant gap in data utilization. The findings of the National Data Resources Survey Report 2023, released at a digital economy summit, emphasized the need for better data management systems and improved data processing capabilities in China.

The report noted that while data production in China increased by 22% due to developments in 5G, AI, and smart devices, data storage only rose by 0.95ZB, leading to massive waste of valuable data resources. It was also highlighted that 40% of the stored data by Chinese companies was not being read or reused, indicating inefficiencies in data utilization.

The survey recommended that large enterprises in China invest in digital transformation and enhance data management systems to extract additional value from stored data. The report also urged China to accelerate the construction of its national integrated computing power system to meet the growing demand for computing power from various industries.

Professor Andy Chun emphasized the importance of strategic investments in storage technologies to support the increasing demand for data-driven AI applications. He also stressed the need for responsible data management practices that prioritize quality, security, and governance to fully leverage the capabilities of generative AI technologies.

In conclusion, China’s data storage challenges underscore the importance of optimizing data management systems, enhancing storage capabilities, and adhering to ethical standards to ensure sustainable data growth and utilization.