5 AI Predictions in 2024 That Will All Come True, Almost

In the year 2023, AI, machine learning (ML), and generative AI (GenAI) were the talk of the town. However, much of the attention was focused on superficial aspects rather than the substance of the technology. In 2024, five predictions about AI can be made: Good old fashioned machine learning will continue to gain momentum Executives … Read more 5 AI Predictions in 2024 That Will All Come True, Almost

AI tools enhance communication for people with disabilities.

Key Points: Artificial intelligence (AI) tools are being developed to assist people with disabilities in communicating. A company called Project Relate has created an AI-enabled app that uses deep learning algorithms to translate nonstandard speech into understandable language. Artificial intelligence (AI) tools are being developed to assist people with disabilities in communicating. One such tool, … Read more AI tools enhance communication for people with disabilities.