All-White men formed on Meta’s AI advisory council.


  • Meta appointed an all-White male AI advisory council.
  • Criticism has arisen for the lack of diversity in the council.

Key Elements of the Article:

Meta, formerly Facebook, has established an AI advisory council consisting entirely of White men. The group is set to provide guidance on Meta’s AI strategy as the tech company plans substantial investments in AI infrastructure. Despite the extensive experience of the advisors, Meta is facing backlash for the lack of diversity in the council, with no women, people of color, or individuals outside the Silicon Valley demographic included. The absence of diverse perspectives raises concerns as AI technologies continue to permeate various aspects of society, potentially amplifying existing biases and inequalities. Meta has not responded to inquiries regarding the council’s lack of diversity.

Artificial intelligence, a rapidly developing field, has the potential to impact numerous aspects of daily life. The use of AI systems, particularly in decision-making processes, emphasizes the importance of reflecting diverse communities in design and oversight. Issues of bias and discrimination have already been observed in AI applications, such as Meta’s AI-generated photo tool struggling with racial diversity representation. Inclusivity in AI development and decision-making is crucial to mitigate harm and ensure fair opportunities for all individuals affected by AI technologies.

Meta’s creation of an all-White male AI advisory council echoes a similar incident at OpenAI, signaling a broader industry trend that must be addressed to promote diversity and inclusivity in tech leadership roles. As AI continues to evolve and transform society, proactive efforts to incorporate diverse perspectives in AI development and governance are essential for building equitable and responsible AI systems.