AI: the energy guzzler of the modern world.


  • AI technology is significantly increasing the energy consumption of data centers around the world.
  • Companies like Google and Microsoft are attributing their rise in climate emissions to the growth of artificial intelligence.

When Google reported a 48 percent increase in its climate emissions since 2019, it attributed this rise to the expansion of artificial intelligence (AI) within its operations. This brought attention to the growing energy consumption of data centers globally, fueled by the development and use of AI technology. Large language models (LLMs) and AI programs are particularly power-intensive, requiring vast amounts of computer power for their operations. The sheer volume of requests processed by AI tools and chatbots, along with the cooling needs of the servers, contributes to a significant energy drain.

The International Energy Agency (IEA) reported that data centers, cryptocurrencies, and AI combined used 460 terawatt-hours (TWh) of electricity worldwide in 2022, comprising almost two percent of total global electricity demand. This figure is expected to double by 2026, equivalent to the electricity usage of Japan. Researcher Alex De Vries estimated that AI alone could consume between 85.4-134.0 TWh of electricity annually if NVIDIA’s projected sales were realized. The increasing adoption of AI-specialized servers is further exacerbating the energy consumption problem.

To address the environmental impact, major tech companies like Amazon, Google, and Microsoft have committed to purchasing renewable energy to offset their carbon footprints. However, the rapid growth of AI and data centers poses a challenge to these companies’ sustainability targets. While efforts are being made to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the energy demands of AI continue to strain global energy resources.

Ultimately, the expansion of AI technology presents a significant challenge in balancing innovation with environmental sustainability. As companies seek to harness the power of AI for various applications, finding ways to mitigate its energy consumption and environmental impact will be crucial for a sustainable future.