AI takes US Air Force leader on high-speed ride in F-16.

AI-controlled F-16 Takes US Air Force Leader for High-speed Ride


  • An AI-controlled F-16 jet, named Vista, takes US Air Force leader for a high-speed test flight over California.
  • US Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall expressed trust in AI technology for launching weapons.

An AI-controlled warplane named Vista recently took US Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall on a high-speed test flight over California. The experimental F-16 jet showcased lightning-fast manoeuvres, reaching speeds of over 550mph. Kendall expressed confidence in artificial intelligence by stating that he would trust it with the decision to launch weapons. The test flight lasted an hour, and the US Air Force aims to deploy over 1,000 AI-controlled jets in the coming years. The pilots working on Vista hope to have the first fleet ready by 2028 and believe that the AI programs are learning quickly, with some already outperforming human pilots in combat scenarios.

The shift towards AI-controlled aircraft is driven by the potential for reduced risk to human pilots during advance attacks on enemy defenses, as well as cost savings since AI planes are smaller and cheaper to produce. However, the use of AI in warfare raises concerns among arms control experts and humanitarian groups about the autonomy of AI in making life-and-death decisions, such as autonomously dropping bombs without human consultation. US Air Force Secretary Kendall emphasized that there will always be human oversight when weapons are used.

While the US Air Force continues to face delays and cost overruns with the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program, China’s air force is also developing unmanned weapons, albeit without confirmed AI testing outside of simulators. Vista’s operators have conducted numerous flights with the AI jet, utilizing real-world performance data to refine the AI’s capabilities through ongoing learning processes. Despite potential concerns about AI replacing human pilots, the operators of Vista recognize the need to stay ahead in AI technology to ensure military readiness.

In conclusion, the integration of AI technology into military operations brings about both opportunities and challenges, as demonstrated by the successful test flight of the AI-controlled F-16 jet. The balance between leveraging AI for enhanced combat capabilities while maintaining human oversight in decision-making will continue to be a key focus for the future of aerial warfare.