AI Pin owners: stop using charging case now, says Humane.

Humane warns AI Pin owners to ‘immediately’ stop using its charging case


– Humane is advising AI Pin owners to stop using the charging case immediately due to potential fire safety risks associated with the battery cells.
– The company is offering two free months of its subscription service as recompense and is working to find a new supplier for the battery cells.

Key Elements:

Humane has issued a warning to AI Pin owners to stop using the charging case that came with the gadget, due to issues with a third-party battery cell that may pose a fire safety risk. The company has discontinued the vendor supplying these battery cells and is working to identify a new supplier. The AI Pin itself, the Battery Booster, and charging pad are not affected by this issue. In an email to customers, Humane specified that the problem is isolated to certain battery cells used in the charging case accessory and is not related to the hardware design. As a gesture of goodwill, the company is offering two free months of its subscription service to affected customers. Humane has not yet confirmed if replacement charging cases will be provided, but they have promised to share additional information after further investigation.


It is important for AI Pin owners to heed Humane’s warning and discontinue the use of the charging case to ensure their safety. The company’s proactive approach in addressing this issue and offering compensation demonstrates their commitment to customer satisfaction and safety. Keeping an eye out for updates from Humane regarding the resolution of this problem will be essential for affected users.