AI: Gen Z’s opinions are a mixed bag this week.


Gen Z has mixed feelings about AI, with surveys showing concerns about AI limiting critical thinking and creativity. Companies are investing in AI to appeal to Gen Z as they will soon become the wealthiest generation. OpenAI signs a deal with Condé Nast, AI demand threatens water supplies, and AI deepfakes in political campaigns raise ethical concerns.

Key Points:

  • Gen Z has mixed feelings about AI, with concerns about its impact on critical thinking and creativity.
  • Companies are investing in AI to appeal to Gen Z as they will soon become the wealthiest generation.
  • OpenAI signs a deal with Condé Nast, AI demand threatens water supplies, and AI deepfakes in political campaigns raise ethical concerns.

Full Article:

The surveys suggest that Gen Z has mixed opinions on AI, with concerns about its impact on critical thinking and creativity. Companies, aware of Gen Z’s increasing spending potential, are investing in AI to appeal to this generation. OpenAI’s deal with Condé Nast, AI’s impact on water supplies, and ethical concerns raised by AI deepfakes in political campaigns are crucial topics in the AI landscape.

Samsung’s survey showed that nearly 70% of Gen Zers view AI as a useful resource for work-related and non-work-related tasks. However, concerns were raised by EduBirdie’s report that showed a third of Gen Zers feel guilty about using AI tools at work. They worry that AI could limit their critical thinking skills.

Gen Z’s opinions matter, as they are projected to become the wealthiest generation, with massive spending potential. Companies need to address Gen Z’s fears about AI to remain competitive in the market. AI startups are investing significant amounts in hosting and software, making it crucial to understand and address Gen Z’s concerns about AI.

In other news, OpenAI signed a deal with Condé Nast to surface stories in AI-powered chatbots. The increased demand for AI is impacting water supplies, especially in areas with data centers. Ethical concerns were raised over AI deepfakes in political campaigns, highlighting the importance of responsible AI usage.