AI church services coming soon near you – stay tuned!


  • AI-powered church services are being explored by scientists and theologians.
  • Questions are raised about the impact of technology on faith and spirituality.

AI-led church services are a new concept being explored by scientists and theologians. While AI is not yet mainstream in religious practices, there is a growing interest in how this new technology can coexist with ancient teachings. At places like Temple B’Nai Or in Morristown, New Jersey, the congregation is delving into the intersection of AI and faith to understand what it means to be human.

Rabbi Michael Satz points out that throughout history, religions have had to confront changes brought about by new technologies. He raises questions about how AI can be used as a tool to enhance spiritual experiences rather than detract from them. Similarly, Kutter Callaway emphasizes the importance of human guidance when using AI in religious contexts to avoid bias and ensure accurate interpretation of texts.

While AI can be beneficial for tasks like Bible translation and research, concerns exist about misinformation, bias, and the potential replacement of human interaction in religious settings. Despite this, the embrace of AI in religious practices is a gradual process that requires careful consideration. Leaders from various faiths have signed agreements to ensure ethical AI usage in the future.

Ultimately, the clergy interviewed believe that AI will play a role in religious life, but the human touch and physical presence in worship are irreplaceable. They emphasize the value of communal gatherings and the physicality of religious rituals. While AI-powered church services may become more prevalent, the deep human connections fostered in spiritual communities are expected to remain essential.