AI Chip: Cuts Energy Usage by Over 99%!


  • Chinese researchers have developed a photonic microchip named Taichi that can perform AI tasks with a fraction of the energy consumed by electronic counterparts.
  • Taichi combines diffraction and interference approaches, allowing it to tackle complex AI tasks efficiently and with high accuracy.

In a groundbreaking study, Chinese researchers have developed a revolutionary AI chip named Taichi that significantly reduces energy consumption in AI tasks. Traditional neural network chips use electronic gates, whereas Taichi uses photons, making it a thousand times more energy-efficient while maintaining high performance.

Neural networks are widely used in various applications, and as they grow in size and complexity, they become more energy-intensive when run on conventional electronics. Taichi’s unique design combines diffraction and interference approaches, allowing it to handle complex AI tasks efficiently and accurately with lower energy consumption.

Unlike previous optical neural networks, Taichi boasts impressive performance metrics, displaying energy efficiency 1,000 times that of the latest electronic GPUs and 100 times more energy efficient than previous optical neural networks. The chip’s area efficiency is also significantly higher, making it a promising solution for advanced AI applications.

While Taichi still relies on external systems such as laser sources and data coupling, the researchers aim to further improve its compactness and energy efficiency in the future. Overall, Taichi represents a major advancement in AI chip technology, offering a more sustainable and efficient solution for handling complex AI tasks.