Google fixes image generator issue failing to depict white people.


Google faced backlash when its A.I. chatbot Gemini couldn’t depict white people in images. The company has now fixed the issue by updating its image generator and re-enabling the feature for paying users of Gemini Advanced.

Key Elements:

  • Google’s A.I. chatbot Gemini was unable to create images of white people, leading to controversy.
  • After disabling the feature, Google has now re-enabled it for paying users of Gemini Advanced, incorporating the updated Imagen 3 image generator.
  • The company has faced criticism for its A.I. products, with incidents like the Bard chatbot getting facts wrong.
  • Google also announced the introduction of Gems for corporate customers, customizable versions of Gemini for various tasks.

In conclusion, Google has resolved the issue of its A.I. image generator failing to depict white people by updating the technology and re-enabling the feature for users of Gemini Advanced. While it acknowledges that errors may still occur, the company is committed to improving its A.I. products based on user feedback.