Wyoming voters challenged by mayoral candidate who pledges AI governance.

Article Summary


Key Points:

  • Victor Miller, a mayoral candidate in Wyoming, has proposed letting an AI bot named Vic run the local government.
  • Miller believes the AI bot can process data and make unbiased decisions, while he oversees the legal execution.

In an unprecedented move in US politics, Victor Miller and his AI bot Vic are running for mayor of Cheyenne, Wyoming. Miller believes that Vic, a customized ChatGPT bot, has the capability to process large amounts of data and make unbiased decisions. This hybrid approach to governance involves the AI bot providing data-driven insights and innovative solutions for the city, while Miller, the human candidate, ensures the legal and practical execution of these decisions. The bot claims to focus on practical, data-driven solutions that benefit the community, without any political affiliations.

During a meet-and-greet, Vic outlined a multi-part plan for decision-making that involved gathering data, consulting with the community, experts, and ensuring transparency. Miller, the candidate, has pledged to donate half of the mayoral salary to a non-profit if elected. However, Miller faced skepticism and pushback, with Wyoming’s secretary of state launching an investigation into the bot’s candidacy. Despite challenges, Miller’s mayoral campaign continues with only his name appearing on the official ballot, not Vic’s.

Miller emphasizes that Vic would be making decisions independently if elected, and encourages voters to embrace this new option in leadership. This campaign comes amidst a recent news scandal in Wyoming involving AI technology being used to fabricate quotes in media, highlighting the growing influence of AI in various aspects of society.