Get diagnosed by AI tongue scanner with 96% accuracy.


  • An AI tongue scanner has been developed that can diagnose illnesses with 96 percent accuracy by analyzing a patient’s tongue.
  • The technology draws inspiration from traditional Chinese medicine techniques that have been used for over 2,000 years.

The new artificial intelligence model utilizes machine learning to analyze a patient’s tongue and identify potential health issues based on its color, shape, and thickness. Traditional Chinese medicine has long relied on the tongue as a key indicator of illnesses, and this technology builds on that ancient knowledge.

The research team, comprised of engineering researchers from the University of South Australia and Iraq’s Middle Technical University, trained the AI system using thousands of images of healthy and diseased tongues. The system demonstrated a high level of accuracy, with a precision rate exceeding 98 percent.

The AI tongue scanner has the potential to revolutionize disease screening in medical facilities, offering a secure, efficient, and cost-effective method for diagnosing various ailments. This innovative technology showcases the promise of integrating machine learning systems into healthcare to enhance diagnostic capabilities.