IATSE AI protections are superior to other guilds.

Article Summary


Key Points:

  • IATSE’s solution regarding generative AI is more detailed and comprehensive compared to other guilds.
  • The agreement ensures that AI is used as a tool and not to replace crew members.

The International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) has developed a more evolved approach to protecting its members from the impact of generative AI in the industry. The agreement covers various aspects, such as crew members not being forced to input prompts that replace their colleagues, studios committing to AI training, and protections against potential lawsuits related to AI use. The deal is considered a significant step forward, providing detailed measures to safeguard both employees and employers in the industry.

The agreement also addresses concerns related to technological advancements, such as AI, that could potentially lead to job displacement. It ensures that AI is treated as a tool and not a replacement for crew members, preventing studios from using AI in a way that would result in employee displacement. Additionally, the agreement includes provisions to protect workers’ likeness and prevent copyright issues related to AI use on projects.

While the negotiations were challenging due to the diverse roles within IATSE, the agreement is comprehensive and forward-looking. It sets a precedent for future contracts and ensures that members are prepared for technological changes in the industry. Members will have the opportunity to vote on the agreement, considering not only the AI protections but also advancements in wages, residuals, and working conditions.