Get your bullets from an AI vending machine in Tuscaloosa!

AI-Powered Vending Machine Selling Bullets at Tuscaloosa Store


Key Points:

  • An ammunition vending machine powered by AI is selling bullets at a Tuscaloosa grocery store.
  • American Rounds is the company behind the machine, offering a new way to distribute ammunition.

City officials confirm that the AI-powered ammunition vending machine at a Tuscaloosa grocery store is real and legal. The machine, installed by American Rounds, is one of the first unmanned vending machines selling bullets, rifles, and shotguns. The CEO of American Rounds, Grant Magers, touts the machine’s innovative answer to bringing ammo sales to stores. The AI-fueled facial recognition software used for age verification is deemed safer and more secure compared to traditional methods. The legality of the machine has been vetted by the ATF and is considered legal by city officials. It seems the ammo vending machine is here to stay, providing a new way for customers to purchase ammunition.