Switch to AI assistants – typing is the future!

Typing to AI Assistants Might be the Way to Go


  • Typing to AI assistants can be more convenient and less awkward than speaking out loud in public.
  • Apple’s iOS 18 will allow users to type to Siri instead of speaking.

Key Elements:

Typing to AI assistants, such as Siri, can be more comfortable and less embarrassing than speaking out loud, especially in public settings. While voice commands have their benefits, there are occasions when typing can offer a more discreet and convenient interaction with AI assistants.

The new Siri keyboard feature in iOS 18 will allow users to type commands directly to Siri, offering a more private and seamless way to engage with AI technology. This feature will also provide quick suggestions for commands, making the interaction more efficient.

Concerns about using voice-controlled assistants in public include self-consciousness, noise interference, and lack of trust in the devices’ ability to accurately interpret commands. Typing to AI assistants may address some of these issues and provide a greater sense of privacy.

While voice commands have their place, having the option to type to AI assistants can create a more user-friendly experience that aligns with individual preferences and comfort levels. This flexibility allows users to interact with AI technology in a way that best suits their needs and surroundings.