AI-written film premiere canceled due to public criticism and concerns.


The world premiere of the first feature film written entirely by artificial intelligence, The Last Screenwriter, was canceled after the theater received backlash. The film, written by ChatGPT, tells the story of a screenwriter realizing he is less talented than AI. Despite the controversy, the filmmaker, Peter Luisi, plans to release the film for free online and provide documentation of ChatGPT’s writing process.

Key Elements of the Article:

– The premiere of the first AI-written feature film, The Last Screenwriter, was cancelled due to backlash from the public.
– The film was written by ChatGPT and directed by Peter Luisi, telling the story of a screenwriter realizing his inferiority to AI in writing.
– Despite the cancellation, Luisi plans to release the film online for free and provide detailed documentation of ChatGPT’s writing process.
– The film’s subject of AI’s impact on the movie industry sparked controversy, especially in light of previous issues with AI-generated content in Hollywood.