Silicon Valley investor predicts surge of Trump backers, skewers Biden.

Key Elements of Article


  • Silicon Valley investor predicts a ‘cascade’ of Trump support
  • Biden’s hostility towards crypto and AI is highlighted

Silicon Valley investor David Sacks predicts a surge in support for former President Trump due to President Biden’s policies on innovation. During a fundraiser in San Francisco, Sacks emphasized the importance of pro-innovation policies and the industry’s desire for a better administration in Washington.

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Silicon Valley investor David Sacks predicts a cascade of support for former President Trump, citing Biden’s hostile stance towards crypto and artificial intelligence. Sacks highlighted the industry’s desire for pro-innovation policies and contrasted Biden’s administration.

Sacks emphasized that the support from Silicon Valley is not transactional but driven by a love for America and the need for better policies. He mentioned the industry’s discontent with the Biden administration’s approach towards innovation and overregulation of AI.

The fundraiser held in San Francisco, where $12 million was raised for Trump, was co-hosted by Democrat mega-donor Chamath Palihapitiya. Sacks mentioned that the success of the fundraiser in a liberal city like San Francisco could encourage more heavy hitters to support Trump.

He also discussed the fear among Trump supporters of expressing their support due to cancel culture and political prosecutions, but suggested that with more endorsements, a cascade effect might occur leading to more public support for Trump.

In conclusion, Sacks believes that as more individuals come out in support of Trump, others will feel more comfortable expressing their endorsement. This shift in support could lead to a significant increase in backing for the former president.