Elon Musk warns: AI is coming for your job soon.


  • Elon Musk predicts that AI could render almost all jobs obsolete.
  • Jobs requiring creativity and emotional intelligence may still be safe.

Elon Musk shared his concerns about artificial intelligence (AI) potentially eliminating the need for human labor at the VivaTech 2024 conference in Paris. He hinted that jobs requiring creativity and emotional intelligence may still be safe in the future. While discussing the implications of AI on the job market, Musk suggested that the government might need to implement universal high income rather than universal basic income. This would ensure that there is no shortage of goods or services despite the automation of many tasks by AI and robots.

Despite being a founder of Open AI, Musk has become a vocal critic of AI regulation. He expressed fears about superhuman artificial intelligence that could exist as early as next year if not for limitations in power and AI training chips. Musk also raised existential questions about the meaning of life in a world where AI outperforms humans in every task. He suggested that humans may find purpose in giving AI meaning, highlighting the complex relationship between humans and technology in the future.

In addition to his concerns about AI, Musk also warned about the impact of social media on children’s development, suggesting that they are being heavily influenced by algorithms designed to maximize dopamine. Overall, Musk’s insights shed light on the potential future challenges and opportunities presented by AI in the workforce and society at large.