OpenAI considers allowing users to generate AI-made pornographic content.



  • OpenAI is considering allowing users to create AI-generated pornography, but deepfakes will be banned.
  • The company wants to explore the responsible creation of NSFW content in age-appropriate contexts.

Key Elements

OpenAI, the maker of ChatGPT, is contemplating the possibility of users generating AI-generated pornographic content while prohibiting deepfakes, such as the controversial fake nude images of Taylor Swift. The company aims to understand user expectations and societal norms regarding the ethical use of its technology for explicit content, like erotica and extreme gore.

Despite its mission to produce safe and beneficial AI, OpenAI is facing scrutiny and debate about introducing NSFW content capabilities with the potential inclusion of sexually explicit material. The company, led by Joanne Jang, is looking to develop guidelines and principles for its AI models to abide by, possibly venturing into the realm of erotic text and nude images in the future.

Although deepfakes will remain prohibited, OpenAI aims to foster discussions about the boundaries of content creation, ensuring it remains age-appropriate and respectful. The implications of AI-generated porn have raised concerns about privacy, legality, and cultural sensitivities, particularly in light of recent incidents involving deepfake abuse.

OpenAI’s exploration of AI-generated pornography intersects with broader debates about AI ethics, online safety, and the regulation of explicit content in digital spaces. By carefully navigating these discussions and setting clear boundaries, the company hopes to navigate the complex landscape of AI technology responsibly.
