Decentralized AI shapes a fairer future.


  • The Morpheus Network and 6079 are leading a decentralized AI movement to challenge Big Tech giants.
  • Morpheus aims to foster a more equitable funding environment for projects within the decentralized AI space.

The world of artificial intelligence (AI) is currently dominated by a few Big Tech companies, potentially leading to a centralized control of the technology. However, the Morpheus Network and 6079 are shifting the direction of AI towards decentralization using Web3 technologies. The Morpheus Network, with collaboration from 6079, has launched a decentralized AI smart agents network with over $350 million in total locked value (TVL), aiming to create a more fair funding environment in the AI space. 6079 has introduced a proof-of-inference protocol (PoIP) standard to democratize access to AI services. The movement emphasizes the importance of decentralization and democratizing access to AI technology for a more equitable digital future.

Key Points:

The decentralized AI movement challenges Big Tech giants’ supremacy in the AI space, aiming for more equitable funding.

Morpheus Network and 6079 are leading the movement with decentralized AI smart agents and PoIP standard.

The movement advocates for decentralized control in AI development to prevent power consolidation among dominant entities.

Decentralization is seen as a key factor in creating unbiased AI algorithms for the future.