Finnish roastery unveils surprising AI-created coffee blend.


AI-generated coffee blend launched by a roastery in Finland surprises with unique flavor combinations and label design. Partnerships with AI consultancy Elev showcased the potential of technology in traditional artisan professions.

Key Points:

  • Artisan roastery in Finland introduces AI-generated coffee blend to ease workload and push boundaries of flavor combinations.
  • Collaboration with AI consultancy Elev results in a blend dominated by Brazil’s Fazenda Pinhal, offering a unique taste experience for coffee enthusiasts.

An artisan roastery in Finland called Kaffa Roastery has launched an AI-generated coffee blend in collaboration with local AI consultancy Elev. The blend, named “AI-conic,” showcases a unique mixture of four types of beans dominated by Brazil’s Fazenda Pinhal. The project aimed to trial how AI and its tools could assist in coffee roasting, a traditionally manual craft highly valued in Finland.

The AI used ChatGPT and Copilot models to create a blend that would appeal to coffee enthusiasts while pushing the boundaries of conventional flavor combinations. The result was a well-balanced blend with sweetness and ripe fruit flavors, surprising its creators with its four-bean composition.

After blind testing and expert evaluation, Kaffa Roastery confirmed that the AI-generated blend was a success with no need for human adjustments. The partnership between the artisan roastery and AI consultancy showcased the potential of technology in introducing new perspectives to seasoned professionals and offering consumers innovative taste experiences.

The project hopes to spark dialogue among coffee professionals in Finland, a nation known for its strong coffee culture and passion for technology. The successful collaboration between human artisan skills and AI-provided data sets a foundation for future exploration of AI’s role in the coffee industry.