Baldur’s Gate 3 actors uncover AI voice cloning’s dark potential.

Summary of Baldur’s Gate 3 Article


Key Points:

  • Voice actors of Baldur’s Gate 3 reveal issues with AI voice cloning.
  • Unauthorized use of voice for AI cloning causing identity theft and distress.


Larian Studios’ Baldur’s Gate 3 received accolades for its voice cast performances at the BAFTA awards. However, the actors revealed the darker side of their success fueled by AI voice cloning. Voice actor Amelia Tyler expressed distress over people recreating her voice in AI without permission, leading to unsettling experiences like her voice being used for inappropriate content. Actor Andrew Wincott highlighted the need for careful consideration of AI clauses in contracts to protect actors’ rights and careers. Other actors discussed concerns about AI replacing human actors and the potential negative impact on the industry. The article emphasizes the importance of protecting actors’ voices and craft in the face of advancing AI technology.