Watch out, AI is conquering your web browser.

Summary of Article


  • AI tools and bots are taking over web browsers with new features.
  • Opera, Brave, and Jon Stewart provide unique perspectives on AI use.

AI tools and bots are making their way into web browsers, offering new functionalities and capabilities. Opera, for example, is allowing users to download open-source AI models to their computers, enabling AI tasks to be performed locally in the browser. This approach offers greater privacy and efficiency for AI tasks.

Brave’s mixtral-based chatbot, Leo, is another example of AI integration in web browsing. Leo is available on both iOS and Android, providing users with AI assistance while maintaining privacy. Jon Stewart also sheds light on the false promises of AI, highlighting the gap between AI hype and practical applications.

Aside from AI tools, the article also mentions the Gotham City Lego set, a popular yet expensive item for enthusiasts. Additionally, recommendations for newsletters, productivity apps, and games are shared by the Installer community, offering a variety of options for readers to explore.

Overall, the article emphasizes the increasing presence of AI in web browsers and the diverse applications and perspectives surrounding this technology.