Get the scoop on tech companies training their A.I. assistants.


– Tech companies are turning to synthetic data created by A.I. to train their A.I. models.

– Companies like OpenAI, Google, and Anthropic are experimenting with synthetic data to avoid copyright issues and expand their training materials.

Key Elements of the Article:

Artificial intelligence developers are facing challenges with training their models due to a lack of high-quality data. Companies like OpenAI and Google have traditionally used data from books, news sources, and the internet, but are now exploring the use of synthetic data generated by A.I. itself.

Synthetic data is data that is created by artificial intelligence models, as opposed to relying on human-generated text. While this approach can potentially reduce copyright issues, there are concerns about the accuracy and biases present in synthetic data. A.I. models have been known to make mistakes and propagate existing biases found in internet data.

Although tech companies are experimenting with synthetic data, it is not yet a widely adopted practice. The use of A.I. to train other A.I. models remains a work in progress, with companies like Anthropic leading the way in exploring the potential of synthetic data.

The article also touches on the use of A.I. models to evaluate responses to prompts, such as explaining complex concepts to a 6-year-old. These models are trained to prioritize certain values, such as truthfulness and helpfulness, in determining the best response.