AI saves Johnny Flynn from his toughest scene in “Ripley”.


  • Johnny Flynn was saved by AI during a challenging sequence in the series “Ripley.”
  • Flynn’s character, Dickie Greenleaf, meets his demise in Episode 3, setting the wheels in motion for the rest of the series.

In the Netflix series “Ripley,” Johnny Flynn faced one of his most challenging sequences with the help of AI technology. Flynn’s character, Dickie Greenleaf, meets his demise in Episode 3, setting the wheels in motion for the rest of the series. The technical aspects of the filming process were both thrilling and cumbersome for Flynn, as he needed to lay motionless for certain scenes after a fight sequence with costar Andrew Scott.

Even after Dickie’s death, the character continues to play a significant role in the series through visions and dreams experienced by another character, Tom. These sequences were filmed in the actual ocean, with underwater cameras and divers assisting Flynn in his performance.

At a certain point, the production team suggested using AI technology to simplify the filming process, which Flynn welcomed with relief. This innovative approach helped streamline the filming of challenging sequences and allowed for a smoother production experience.

“Ripley” is now available for streaming on Netflix, offering viewers a glimpse into the behind-the-scenes challenges faced by actors like Johnny Flynn and the innovative solutions that helped bring the series to life.