Judge celebrates AI replacing time-consuming task of compiling fake history.


  • Judge Bush envisions a future where AI can generate fake historical narratives to fit originalist policy goals.
  • He believes that AI can streamline the process of determining word meanings and usage in legal cases.

Key Elements:

Judge John Bush, an originalist, sees artificial intelligence as a tool to create false historical narratives to align with desired policy outcomes. He believes that AI can be trusted to compile statistics on word meanings and usage in legal cases, making the analysis of historical context much easier. However, critics argue that originalists like Bush hijack academic tools like corpus linguistics to cherry-pick information that supports their biases, undermining the integrity of linguistic research. By relying on AI, originalists risk promoting a narrative of history and language that serves their own interests rather than seeking a nuanced understanding of the past. This approach raises concerns about the misuse of technology in legal interpretation and the dangers of distorting historical facts to support ideological agendas.