Tech titans convene to determine AI’s first job cuts.



Key points:

  • Tech giants like IBM, Cisco, Google, Microsoft, and others are coming together to assess which jobs AI could eliminate first.
  • The goal of the consortium is to recommend and support training programs to help workers transition to roles AI cannot easily fill.

Of all the tech CEOs, IBM’s Arvind Krishna has been vocal about AI’s potential to replace workers. As part of a consortium, these tech giants are exploring AI’s impact on jobs and identifying 56 roles likely to be automated first. The focus is on retraining workers to transition to roles that AI models cannot easily fulfill.

The consortium’s efforts aim to retrain and transition more than 95 million IT workers in the next decade towards more family-sustaining opportunities. The emphasis is on addressing the urgency and importance of AI’s acceleration in business while building an inclusive workforce. However, concerns remain about AI’s potential to cut staff, highlighting the need for retraining initiatives.
