George Carlin’s estate resolves lawsuit regarding comedian’s AI counterpart.


  • George Carlin’s estate settled a lawsuit against a comedy podcast for using AI to mimic his voice.
  • The podcast creators agreed to remove all versions of the AI-generated content and not use Carlin’s likeness in the future.

Summary of the Article:

The estate of comedian George Carlin settled a lawsuit against a comedy podcast, Dudesy, that used artificial intelligence to imitate Carlin’s voice. The estate claimed that the podcast violated Carlin’s rights of publicity and copyright by creating an hourlong special on YouTube called “George Carlin: I’m Glad I’m Dead.” Although the podcast creators denied using AI to generate the content, they agreed to remove all versions of the podcast from the internet and avoid using Carlin’s voice, likeness, or image in the future.

The settlement comes at a time when the entertainment industry is increasingly concerned about the unauthorized use of generative AI tools to imitate artists, living or deceased. The case raises questions about the potential for future litigation surrounding AI-generated imitations and whether they could be considered fair use or a violation of rights. The rise of deepfake technology has also led to concerns about the potential harm caused by misleadingly spreading fake videos online.

This settlement serves as a warning about the dangers AI technologies pose and the importance of safeguards for artists and individuals. It also highlights the need for stricter regulations and protections against the malicious use of AI tools to create misleading content.