Yahoo’s big AI acquisition news just dropped, check it out!


Yahoo has acquired Artifact, an AI news aggregation company started by Instagram’s founders Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger. This is Yahoo’s first AI acquisition and the technology will be used to enhance the Yahoo News platform for personalized content experiences. The use of AI in news has sparked concerns about political polarization and copyright infringement.

  • Yahoo acquires Artifact, an AI news aggregation company started by Instagram founders
  • Technology will be used to promote personalized content experiences on Yahoo News

Key Elements:

Yahoo announced the acquisition of Artifact, an AI news aggregation company founded by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger. This marks Yahoo’s first foray into AI technology acquisitions, as rivals like Google and Microsoft have already heavily invested in AI.

Yahoo plans to integrate Artifact’s technology into the Yahoo News platform to provide users with personalized content experiences. This move reflects the growing trend of using AI in news to cater to users’ preferences and enhance content curation.

While Yahoo News General Manager Kat Downs touts the combining of human and algorithmic curation, the use of AI in news has raised concerns about political polarization. Critics worry that AI-driven algorithms may create “echo chambers” that further divide audiences.

Furthermore, the adoption of AI in news organizations has raised questions about transparency and accountability. There are concerns about the potential for copyright infringement and plagiarism if the sources of information are not properly attributed.